MacMasters Beach SLSC
Register Now for 2024/25

MacMasters Nippers 2024-25

Macs Maniacs

Sunday 9am

macs-maniacsEvery Sunday morning during the winter off season you will find a cross section of the active and non active, associate and rookie members and visitors meeting at the club house at 9.00am on Sunday mornings for a run, jog or a walk to Copacabana followed by a swim which varies, depending on the surf conditions, from a dive off the point and back to the beach, to a swim around the buoys or the the surf tower and back  or just a plunge in the pool.  The only compulsion is that the head must get wet.  Maniacs then meet at the Barefoot Cafe for a coffee, a bacon and egg roll or a full breakfast.

You need to be a member of MacMasters Beach Surf Club to join in this bracing wayto start a winter Sunday morning which produces a ‘Maniac of the Week’ for the most notable performance which vests custody of the ‘bird’ in the recipient for the coming week